Research Papers and Publications
In English
Ohmori, N, Taniguchi, A. and Dobashi, Y. (2021) Which Do You Like Going Out for Drinking or Drinking at Home? Investigating Relationships Between Drinking Activities and Subjective Well-Being, the 6th International Conference on Transport & Health, Virtual, 14-30 June, 2021. (ICTH Poster Gallery)
Dobashi, Y. and N. Ohmori (2021) Examining the Effectiveness of Public Involvement from the Beginning Stage of Railway Projects to Improve Accessibility in Japan - Based on a Satisfaction Survey on Accessibility Achieved in Three Best Practices from the 1990s to the 2010s-, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 282(Universal Design 2021: From Special to Mainstream Solutions), pp.387-401. doi:10.3233/shti210413, 2021.6.
Dobashi, Y., K. Suzuki and N. Ohmori (2021) An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Priority Seat in Transportation: Through a Comparative Study of Six Areas in Japan, 2021 TRB Annual Meeting, January, 2021.
Dobashi, Y. and N. Ohmori (2020) Progress of Accessibility in Transportation in Japan Over the Last Three Decades: An Observation Through Three Case Studies, Transportation Research Circular, Issue E-C262, pp.23-36, April, 2020.
Ohmori, N, Sugeno, T. and Osada, T. (2019) How Do Leisure Activities Affect University Students' Well-Being?, 5th International Conference on Transport & Health, Melbourne, November, 2019.(Journal of Transport & Health, Vol.14, Supplement)
Shirendev, O., Ohmori, N. and Osada, T. (2019) Leisure Activities and Subjective Well-Being of University Students in Mongolia, EASTS 2019, Colombo, September, 2019.
Tabei, Y., T. Osada and N. Ohmori (2019) Problems in Traffic Flow Simulation for Impact Assessment of Large-Scale Retail Stores, Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2019, Seoul, August, 2019.
Dobashi, Y. and N. Ohmori (2018) The Progress of Accessibility in Japan over the Last Three Decades: An Observation Through Three Case Studies, TRANSED2018, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov.12-Nov.15, 2018.
Ohmori, N., R. Umino, K. Murakami, T. Osada and S. Takehira (2018) What types of travel do people want to save by teleportation and autonomous driving?, IATBR 2018, Santa Barbara, U.S., July, 2018.
Dobashi, Y. and N. Ohmori (2018) Re-examining the creativity of universal design initiatives in public spaces in Japan, Transforming our World Through Design, Diversity and Education, Proceedings of Universal Design and Higher Education in Transformation Congress 2018 (UDHEIT2018), pp.279-289, 2018.10.
Ohmori, N., T. Osada and S. Takehira (2017) Positive Utility of Travel
for Various Types of People Including Mobility Handicapped Persons, APPS2017, Nagoya, Japan, August, 2017.
Ariga, T., S. Aono and N. Ohmori (2017) Development of Household Activity
Travel Simulator for Childcare: "Activity Rescheduler with Interactive
Generation of Alternative Travel Opportunities (ARIGATO)", Proceedings
of the 15th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban
Management, 2017.7.
Rahman, M.M. and N. Ohmori (2017) Barrier-Free Accessible Environment and
Kamlapur Railway Station - Require to More Sustainable, International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications, Vol.3, No.2, pp.21-30, May, 2017.
Zhang, J., Y. Xiong, Y. Jiang, N. Tanaka, N. Ohmori and A. Taniguchi (2017)
Behavioral Changes in Migration Associated with Jobs, Residences, and Family
Life, In Zhang, J. (ed.) Life-Oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy, pp.479-505, Springer, Japan, January, 2017.
Aono, S. and N. Ohmori (2015) Frequencies and Potential Needs for Activity
Participation of Wheel Chair Users in Real Space and Cyber Space: Focusing
on Daily Shopping and Private Communications, TRANSED 2015, Lisbon, Portgal, August, 2015.
Nishimoto, Y., N. Ohmori, T. Akiyama, A. Matsubara, K. Takeshima and F.
Touno (2015) Conflicts between Stroller Users and Other Passengers on Public
Transportation in Metropolitan Areas, Japan, TRANSED 2015, Lisbon, Portgal, August, 2015.
Ohmori, N., A. Kobayashi, K. Takami and N. Harata (2015) Troublesome Behavior
in Public Transport and Satisfaction with Travel: An International Comparison
of Six Countries, IATBR 2015, Windsor, UK, July, 2015.
Ohmori, N. (2015) Mitigating barriers against accessible cities and transportation,
for child-rearing households, IATSS Research, Vol.38, Issue.2, pp.116-124.
Troncoso Parady, G., M. Chikaraishi, K. Takami, N. Ohmori and N. Harata
(2015) On the effect of the built environment and preferences on non-work
travel: Evidence from Japan, European Journal of Transportat and Infrastructure Research, Vol.15, Issue.1, pp.51-65.
Rahman, M.M. and N. Ohmori (2014) Barrier-Free Design for Unhindered Access
for Pedestrian and Public Transportation: A Case Study on Dhaka City, Journal of Modern Science and Technology, Vol.2, No.2, pp.19-35.
Jana, A., N. Harata, K. Takami and N. Ohmori (2014) Exploring the role
of social interactions and supports in overcoming accessibility barriers
while undertaking health tours in India, Social Work in Public Health, Vol.29, pp.350-367.
Ohmori, N., A. Taniguchi, R. Manabe, Y. Terauchi, S. Aono (2014) How Different
Are Barriers against Out-of-Home Activity Participation for Women Raising
Children, 5th International Conference on Women's Issues in Transportation, Paris, France, April, 2014.
Taniguchi, A. and N. Ohmori (2014) Child Pick-Up from Day-Care Center Following
a Dissaster: Working Mothers' Attitude and Behavior in Tokyo at the Great
East Japan Earthquake, 5th International Conference on Women's Issues in Transportation, Paris, France, April, 2014.
Ishigami, T., N. Izumi, S. Hirata, N. Ohmori and A. Taniguchi (2014) Travel
Behavior of Working Mothers in Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Particularly Addressing
Those with Small Children and Their Residential Areas, 5th International Conference on Women's Issues in Transportation, Paris, France, April, 2014.
Chen, B-W., K. Takami, N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2013) Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership and Transaction Behavior through a Life-Course Approach: A Case in Taipei City, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.10, pp.567-585.
Ito, K., N. Ohmori, S. Aono, Y., Niwa (2013) How People Find Their Way
Back Home During a Natural Disaster, presented at 26th International Cartographic Conference, Dresden, Germany, August, 2013.
Parady, G.T., Chikaraishi, M., Takami, K., Ohmori, N. and Harata, N. (2013) Does the Built Environment Matter? Incorporating Individual Attitudes and Habits into Travel Behaviour Analysis: A Japanese Case Study, presented at WCTR2013, Rio, Brazil, 2013.7.
Seo, S.-E., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2013) Effects of Household Structure
and Accessibility on Travel, Transportation, Vol.40, Issue 4, pp.847-865.
Ito, K., S. Aono, N. Ohmori, Y., Niwa, M., Kawama and C., Kawamata (2013)
Observations of Going-Home Behavior in the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area
after a Major Earthquake, to be presented at AAG Annual Meeting, L.A., Apr. 2013.
Seo, S.-E., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2013) Effects of Household Structure
and Accessibility on Travel, presented at the TRB 92nd Annual Meeting,
13-1873, Jan. 2013.
Seo, S.-E., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2013) Effects of Household Structure
on Elderly Grocery Shopping Behavior in Korea, presented at the TRB 92nd
Annual Meeting, 13-2406, Jan. 2013.
Jana, A., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2012) Choice Based on Accessibility
& Social Determinants-A Case of Elderly Healthcare Decision and Health
Trips in India, TRANSED 2012, New Delhi, Sep. 2012.
Ariga, T., S. Aono, N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2012) Activity Management Using "Activity Rescheduler with Interactive Generation of Alternative Travel Opportunities", paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Toronto, Canada, July 2012.
Ono, N., N. Ohmori, K. Takami, N. Harata and J.-K. Kim (2011) ICTs and
Travel Time Use: A Comparative Study between Japan and Korea, presented
at the 5th ICT Expert Meeting, Berlin, Germany, November 2011.
Ohmori, N., N. Harata, Y. Sugitani and N. Kunimoto (2011) Travel Behavior
of University Students on Rainy Days: A Preliminary Study on International
Comparison between East Asian Countries, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.9,
Omatsu, T., N. Ohmori, K. Okamura, S. Matsumoto, Y. Kumagai and N. Harata
(2011) Evaluation of a Safety System Using ITS Technologies for Streetcar
Stops without Safety Barriers, International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, Vol.9,
No.3, pp.93-100.
Seo, S.-E., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2011) Effects of Household Structure
and Mobility Changes on Going-Out Behavior of the Elderly in Korea, the
90th TRB Annual Meeting CD-ROM, January 2011.
Dirgahayani, P., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2010) Evaluation of Intermodality
Improvement in Increasing the Attractiveness of BRT System in Jakarta,
Indonesia, Selected Proceedinsg of the 12th WCTR 2010.
Mosa, A, N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2010) Exploring the Impacts of In-Home Virtual Activities on Daily Activity and Travel Behavior: An Analysis Using Cairo Activity and Telecommunication Diary Data 2006, Selected Proceedinsg of the 12th WCTR 2010.
Mosa, A, N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2010) An Evolutionary Model for Household
Ingteractions in Daily Activity Scheduling, WCTR 2010, Lisbon, July 2010.
Manabe, R. and N. Ohmori (2010) Analysis of Participation Process and Information
Obtained by Various Methods by Applying the "Kakiko Map" to Accessible
Transportation Planning, presented at TRANSED2010, Hong Kong, June 2010.
Kokura, M., M. Suga, B. Lee, K. Shirakawa, T. Suwa and N. Ohmori (2010) Safety and Enjoyability Evaluation of Roads and Streets for Bicycle: Case Studies of Bicycle Maps from Utsunomiya and Chigasaki, Japan, Journal of Maps, 2010, pp.199-210.
Ohmori, N., S. Aono and N. Harata (2009) Why Are You Commuting Such a Long Distance? A Case of Bullet Train Commuters in Tokyo, presented at the 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, December 2009.
Ohmori, N. (2009) Connected Anytime: Telecommunications and Activity-Travel
Behavior from an Asian Perspective. In Kitamura R., T. Yoshii and T. Yamamoto
(eds.) The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research, Selected Papers
from the 11th Conference of the International Association for Travel Behaviour
Research, Emerald, pp.77-93.
Mosa, A., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2009) Simultaneous Model for Household
Interactions in Daily Activity, Information and Communication, and Social
Behavior, Transportation Research Record 2135, pp.138-150.
Dirgahayani, P., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2009) Identifying the Impact of Intermodality on Commute Mode Choice Using a Web-Based Stated Preference Survey Instrument, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CD-ROM.
Ohmori, N. (2009) Technologies in Transportation Planning and Management,
In Horita, M. and H. Koizumi (eds.) Innovations in Collaborative Urban
Regeneration, Springer, Japan, pp.67-81.
Ohmori, N. (2009) Barrier-Free and Accessible Transportation for All, Presented at the cSUR-UT International Symposium on Vulnerability in Cities 2009: Cities in Vulnerability: New Challenges Ahead, in Tokyo, Japan, March 25-27.
Ohmori, N. (2009) Childcare and Women's Activity Participation in Japan,
Presented at the Japan-Netherlands Joint Seminar: Household Activity-Travel
Behavior Analysis for Urban Policy-Making of Supporting Women's Participation
in Labor Market: A Comparative Study between Japan and the Netherlands,
in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, March 18. (see seminar website)
Mosa, A., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2009) Simultaneous Model for Household Interactions in Daily In-Home and Out-of-Home Physical and Virtual Activity Participation, ICT Use, and Social Behavior, the 88th TRB Annual Meeting CD-ROM, 09-3732.
Ohmori, N. and N. Harata (2008) How Different Are Activities while Commuting
by Train: A Case in Tokyo, Journal of Economic and Social Geography (TESG),
Vol.99, No.5, pp.547-561.
Mosa, A., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2008) On Modeling Individuals' Out-of-Home Joint with Family Recreational Activity Attitudes, the 10th International Summer Symposium (JSCE).
Mosa, A., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2008) An Agent-Based Household Daily
Activity Scheduling Model with a Household Kernel Agent DASHA: Conceptualization
and Model Architecture, the 10th International Summer Symposium (JSCE).
Dirgahayani, P., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2008) The Development of an SP
Experimental Design for Evaluating the Impact of Intermodality on Commute
Mode Choice: Case Study: Jakarta Metropolitan Area, Indonesia, the 10th
International Summer Symposium (JSCE).
Ohmori, N.., T. Omatsu, S. Matsumoto, K. Okamura and N. Harata (2008) Passengers'
Waiting Behavior at Bus and Tram Stops, Proceedings of ICTTS 2008, pp.520-531.
Mosa, A., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2008) A Prototype Activity Based Scheduling Model with a Household Kernel Agent DASHA: Cairo a Case Study, Proceedings of ICTTS 2008.
Ohmori, N. (2008) Application of Information on Human Activity-Travel Behavior
in Urban Space and Time in the Information Age, In Sadahiro, Y. (ed.) Spatial
Data Infrastructure for Urban Regeneration, pp.127-145, Springer, Japan.
Mosa, A., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2008) The Impact of Physical and Virtual
Mobility on Joint Activity Participation: Case Study of Cairo, Egypt, paper
presented at the 3rd ICT Specialist Meeting, in Bristol, UK, March 16-19.
Aono, S., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2007) Travel Feedback Programs in a
University Campus, Presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Advanced
Transportation Studies (IWATS), in Hiroshima, Japan, August 29.
Mosa, A., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2007) A Prototype Activity Based Scheduling
Model with a Household Kernel Agent, Presented at the 2nd International
Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies (IWATS), in Hiroshima, Japan,
August 29.
Aono, S., O. Takahashi, Y. Seto, N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2007) Development and Application of a Web Based Activity-Travel Simulator for Travel Feedback Program, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CD-ROM.
Izumiyama, H., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2007) Space-Time Accessibility Measures for Evaluating Mobility-Related Social Exclusion of the Elderly, Proceedings of TRANSED2007. [PDF, 227KB]
Ohmori, N., T. Hirano and N. Harata (2006) Meeting Appointment and Waiting Behavior with Mobile Communications, Transportation Research Record 1977, pp.250-257.
Ohmori, N. and N. Harata (2006) Activities while Commuting by Train: A
Case in Tokyo, presented at the 2nd ICT-meeting, Bergen, the Netherlands,
November 2006.
Ohmori, N. (2006) Connected Anytime: Telecommunications and Activity-Travel
Behavior from Asian Perspectives, presented at the 11th International Conference
on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, August 2006. [PDF, 119KB]
Nakazato, M., N. Ohmori, S. Aono, T. Maruyama and N. Harata (2006) Internet GIS-Based Activity-Travel Simulator for Investigating Alternative Activity-Travel Patterns, presented at the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, August 2006. [PDF, 1,000KB]
Nakazato, M., N. Ohmori, S. Aono, T. Maruyama and N. Harata (2006) Development
of a Web GIS-Based Activity-Travel Simulator for Travel Feedback Program,
Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.920-928.
Aono, S., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2006) Development of a Web-GIS Simulator
for Holiday Non Work Activities, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.959-967.
Rahaman, K.R., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2006) Evaluating Pedestrian's Choice of Some Specific Facilities in Dhaka City, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.730-738.
Ohmori, N., T. Hirano and N. Harata (2006) Meeting Appointment and Waiting
Behavior with Mobile Communications, the 85th TRB Annual Meeting CD-ROM,
06-2566. [PDF, 169KB]
Ohmori, N., M. Nakazato, N. Harata, K. Sasaki and K. Nishii (2006) Activity
Diary Surveys Using GPS Mobile Phones and PDA, the 85th TRB Annual Meeting
CD-ROM, 06-3039. [PDF, 220KB]
Ohmori, N., M. Nakazato and N. Harata (2005) GPS Mobile Phone-Based Activity Diary Survey, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.6, CD-ROM.
Rahaman, K.R., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2005) Evaluation of the Roadside
Walkway Environment of Dhaka City, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society
for Transportation Studies, Vol.6, CD-ROM.
Ohmori, N., N. Harata and K. Ohta (2005) Two Applications of GIS-Based
Activity-Travel Simulators. In Timmermans H. (ed.), Progress in Activity-Based
Analysis, pp.415-435, Elsevier, Oxford.
Ohmori, N., S. Aono and T. Murakami (2005) Understanding Changes in Activity-Travel Pattern, Presented at International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies, in Hiroshima, Japan, March 31. (see IWATS website)
Ohmori, N. (2005) Youth Activity-Travel Behavior with Mobile Communications
in Japan, The 84th TRB Annual Meeting. [PDF, 1,452KB]
Urban Transportation Research Unit (2004) Analysis and Evaluation of Activity-Travel
Pattern in an Era of IT, Exhibition at the 11th World Conference on ITS.
[PDF, 1,516KB]
Maki, K., T. Maruyama, N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2004) A Payment Method Choice Model for Measure of Intelligent Bicycle-Parking Tied Up with Stores, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on ITS, CD-ROM.
Rahaman, K.R., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2004) Pedestrian Accidents for
Safety Awareness of Urbanities, a Study of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, ACSP2004
45th Annual Meeting.
Aono, S., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2004) Development of an Internet-Based
Travel Survey System, Proceedings of the International Symposium on City
Planning 2004, pp.41-50.
Pradono, N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2004) Incorporating Risks in the Conditions
for PFI in Toll Road Projects: Indonesia Case, Proceedings of the International
Symposium on City Planning 2004, pp.71-80.
Ohmori, N., T. Hirano and N. Harata and K. Ohta (2004) Passengers' Waiting
Behavior at Bus Stop, Traffic and Transportation Studies: Proceedings of
ICTTS 2004, pp.157-164. [PDF, 164KB]
Rahaman, K.R., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2004) Research on Problems of Pedestrian Facilities in Dhaka City, Traffic and Transportation Studies: Proceedings of ICTTS 2004, pp.118-126.
Pradono, N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2004) Towards Successful Conditions for
PFI in Toll Road Projects: Indonesia Case, Traffic and Transportation Studies:
Proceedings of ICTTS 2004, pp.43-52.
Ohmori, N. (2004) How can Telecommunications Contribute to Sustainable
Urban Regeneration?, Sustainable Urban Regeneration, Vol.1, pp.60-61. [see
cSUR website]
Ohmori, N., N. Harata and K. Ohta (2004) Two Applications of GIS-Based Activity-Travel Simulators, Presented at EIRASS Workshop on Progress in Activity-Based Analysis, in Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 28-31, 2004. [PDF, 806KB]
Ohmori, N. and N. Harata (2004) Evaluation of Space-Time Accessibility
Considering Daily Activity Engagement of the Elderly, Proceedings of TRANSED2004,
CD-ROM. [PDF, 223KB]
Ohmori, N., Y. Muromachi, N. Harata and K. Ohta (2003) Simulation Model
for Activity Planning (SMAP): GIS-based Gaming Simulation. In Park C.H.
et al. (eds.), Selected Proceedings from the 9th World Conference on Transport
Research, CD-ROM, Pergamon. [PDF, 959KB]
Ohmori, N., N. Harata and K. Ohta (2003) Development and Application of GIS-based System for Activity-Travel Patterns under Spatio-Temporal Constraints, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning
and Urban Management, CD-ROM. [PDF, 430KB]
Ohmori, N., Y. Muromachi, N. Harata and K. Ohta (2002) Analysis of Day-to-Day
Variations of Travel Time Using GPS and GIS, Traffic and Transportation
Studies: Proceedings of ICTTS 2002, Vol.2, pp.1306-1313.[PDF, 1,166KB]
Ohmori, N., Y. Muromachi, N. Harata and K. Ohta (2001) Simulation Model
for Activity Planning (SMAP): GIS-based Gaming Simulation, Proceedings
of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM. [PDF, 252KB]
Harata N. and N. Ohmori (2000) Applicability of Advanced Information and Communication Technologies to Travel Behavior Surveys, WIN NewsLetter, Vol.1/No.3, pp.5-6.
Ohmori, N., Y. Muromachi, N. Harata and K. Ohta (2000) Travel Behavior
Data Collected Using GPS and PHS, Traffic and Transportation Studies: Proceedings
of ICTTS 2000, pp.851-858. [PDF, 165KB]
Ohmori, N., Y. Muromachi, N. Harata and K. Ohta (1999) A Study on Accessibility
and Going-out Behavior of Aged People Considering Daily Activity Pattern,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.3,
No.5, pp.139-153. [PDF, 362KB]