

Last Update: Apr. 13, 2009


エスニックApr. 9, 2009: The bicycle sharing experiment was finished. Thank you for your cooperation.

エスニックDec. 24, 2008: A bicycle sharing experiment has been conducted since Oct. 24. photo 1[112KB],photo 2[122KB]

エスニックJuly 17, 2008: A website "ICT: Mobilizing Persons, Places and Spaces - an international thematic network on ICT, Everyday Life and Urban Change" is 'in the air'.

エスニックJune 5, 2007: "Course on Barrier-free Transportation at Todaimae Station" is held on June 11. If you are interested in it, please send an e-mail to me.

エスニックSep. 5, 2006: cSUR Special Seminar "How Can ICTs Contribute to Sustainable Urban Regeneration?" was held on August 22.

Venue: Room 144, Faculty of Engineering Building 14, The University of Tokyo
15:00 Opening Remarks by Nobuaki Ohmori
15:05 Special Lecture 1: "ICT, Space-Time Constraints, and Sustainability" by Professor Mei-Po Kwan, Ohio State University, US.
16:05 Coffee break
16:15 Special Lecture 2: "E-Shopping in the Netherlands" by Professor Martin Dijst, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
17:15 Closing Remarks by Professor Noboru Harata

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